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Grade 2—Game Design
Students from Grade 2 welcomed NGO partner Mobile Creche and showcased their original game designs... Challenge Statement How do we...

Grade 1—Play-based Learning
Students from Grade 1 welcomed NGO partner Toybank Foundation, and considered ways to support at-risk children with play-based learning…...

Grade 3—Poems Across the Globe
Students from Grade 3 crafted original poems for an external audience... Challenge Statement How do we extend our strong sense of...

Grade 4/5 Inter-School Dodgeball
Students from Grades 4 and 5 planned a fun tournament to connect with other schools in Mumbai… Challenge Statement How do we extend our...

PreK Connections
The PreK class considered how to connect with the 'Outside Community' to be more sustainable and close to nature… Challenge Statement How...

KG Dog Houses
The KG class was inspired by a visit to the Welfare of Stray Dogs to prototype dog houses for strays … Challenge Statement How do we...

Grade 1 Playground
How do we build the ASB community back, stronger than ever? Grade 1 students used their newly mastered ideation strategies to discover...

PreK Blocks
How do we build the ASB community back, stronger than ever? The PreK class invited the school's security and transportation teams to...

Grade 4/5 Talent Show
How do we build the ASB community back, stronger than ever? Grade 4/5 staged a multiage talent show to reconnect with peers... Challenge...
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